Awful Christian Songs Rejoice in the Lord Always and Again I Say Rejoice

christian songs for kids

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At that place are many ways we tin teach our children to praise the Lord. We tin can tell them that they have to make fourth dimension for church every Sun when they grow upward, to read the Bible , or to pray each night earlier going to bed. Only, 1 of the most fun means to proceed the presence of God in their lives is past introducing them to Christian songs for kids. These songs are perfect for the car or to jam out to at home. And through it all you'll be bonding over your dearest for God.

These Christian songs for kids will remind them that they are never truly alone because God will never abandon them. They'll besides learn that God will provide them with strength and happiness when they need it the most.

Then, if yous're looking to spruce upwardly your playlist, here are a couple of Christians songs for kids that the whole family unit will savour.

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'Deep Cries Out' past Bethel Music Kids

With a dance beat and pop-style lyrics, this song, most relying on God to be a guide through life, will have you belting out the chorus.

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'Superhero' by Hillsong Kids

God makes the sun come out; he'south the one that hung the stars. This catchy popular melody will teach your child to choose Jesus higher up all.

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'He Is the Lite' by Cave Quest VBS

This song, based on i John 1:5, drives home the point that God volition act equally the light in any darkness.

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'I'm In the Lord'southward Ground forces' past Become Fish

This extended version of the pop song, "I'k In the Lord's Army," will teach your child to get into proverbial boxing for God.

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'Jesus Loves Me' past Listener Kids

This calm and serene version of the archetype song, sung by kids, will encourage your children to believe in the dear of Jesus and in the teachings of the Bible.

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'The B-I-B-L-Due east, That'southward the Volume For Me' by Listener Kids

Thanks to a quirky rhythm and simple lyrics, this song is ideal for toddlers and immature children. It'south too a good introduction to faith and religion—and it fifty-fifty has a spelling lesson.

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'This Is Astonishing Grace' by Bethel Music Kids

"This Is Amazing Grace" by Bethel Music Kids pays tribute to God who sacrificed His son for His people and to Jesus for giving up His life to pardon all of our sins.

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'I Am Yours' past Elevation Church Kids

This vocal will help your children understand that regardless of feeling weak, scared, and worried, God volition always have their backs.

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'For All My Days' by Gateway Kids Worship

During this song, kids sing about God'south promises to take care of His children and how that will never change, no thing what life throws at them.

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'My Best Friend' by Hillsong Kids

With his song, children will remember that God Jesus is their true best friend.

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'Give Me Oil In My Lamp' by Sing Hosanna

God is the oil in the lamp that volition go on his servants "called-for, burning, called-for," for him. This simple, repetitive song volition be a striking with the younger set up.

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'What a Beautiful Name' past Reese Oliveira and Friends (Hillsong Kids)

In this vocal, Reese Oliveira and a chorus of children praise Jesus'south name and proclaim that they are loyal followers for the rest of their lives.

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'Mary, Did You Know?' by Pentatonix

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'Peace Similar a River' past Listener Kids ft. Harvest

This classic African-American spiritual reminds us that the Holy Spirit fills us with joy, love, and peace.

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'Hallelu, Hallelu' by Sing Hosanna

"Hallelu, Hallelu" is a song well-nigh praising the Lord. Try it with your kids as a telephone call-and-response.


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